Merging microdata from panel surveys and registers for the study of work histories: a pilot on Trentino
This project has been developed upon the agreement <Lavoro dipendente> as part of the Memorandum of Understanding signed by FBK-IRVAPP, ISPAT and INPS. The aim of the project is twofold: first, to document the evolution of labour mobility (associations, separations, workers’ mobility) in the province of Trento; second, to reconstruct and analyse the work career of a sample of individuals living in Trentino as accurately as possible. The work career is defined here as the sequence of the episodes of work and interruptions of work (unemployment, pension or other inactivity episodes). The input database will be obtained by matching survey data derived from a local representative survey on households’ life conditions (Indagine sulle condizioni di vita delle famiglie trentine”, ICFT) with administrative data on employees managed by the local agency of the National Social Security Institute (Istituto Nazionale Previdenza Sociale, INPS). The main outcomes analysed include: (i) first job entry age, (ii) retirement age, (iii) number and length of working episodes, (iv) number and length of unemployment episodes, (v) main patterns of career mobility across cohorts