30 January 2025Jessica holds a PhD in Public Policy and Administration from Bocconi University. Her research focuses on the economics of education and labor economics, with a particular interest in the role of peers and networks in shaping students’ and workers’ outcomes.More info
27 January 2025The Italian Econometric Association (SIdE-IEA) and the Institute for the Evaluation of Public Policies (FBK-IRVAPP) are pleased to announce that enrolments are now open for the "Panel Data for Causal Research Designs" course.More info
27 January 2025We are pleased to announce the opening of the Third Edition of the Call for the Best Paper in Public Policy Evaluation, in conjunction with the course “Panel Data for Causal Research Designs” organised by the Italian Econometric Association (SIdE-IEA) and FBK-IRVAPP.More info
17 January 2025Il corso illustrerà attraverso esempi concreti l’applicazione di diversi metodi (sperimentali, quasi-sperimentali, qualitativi) per la valutazione delle politiche pubbliche. In particolare, si focalizzerà sulle competenze necessarie per comprendere e utilizzare i risultati delle valutazioni d’impatto, nonché sui presupposti organizzativi che rendono una politica pubblica effettivamente valutabile.More info
14 November 2024Annalisa is an applied microeconomist with research interests in public and labor economics. In particular, she has specialized in taxation, tax evasion, and charitable behavior.More info
18 September 2024Led by the Competence Centre on Microeconomic Evaluation of the European Commission Joint Research Centre (JRC), NetCIEx fosters collaboration with universities and research institutions committed to advancing causal policy evaluation in Europe.More info
24 June 2024Are you a quantitative researcher with experience in the fields of education policy or fiscal policy? Join FBK-IRVAPP and contribute to impactful research. Learn more and apply today!More info
30 May 2024The 22th edition of the “Brucchi Luchino” Labour Economics Workshop is organized by the Research Institute for the Evaluation of Public Policies (IRVAPP) of the Fondazione Bruno Kessler and will take place in Trento on Thursday, December 5 (full day), and Friday December 6 (half day), 2024. Those interested in participating are kindly invited to submit a full draft of their paper by September 22nd, 2024 to brucchi.luchino[at] info
16 May 2024Il Senato della Repubblica Italiana ha reso pubblico il nostro contributo al Disegno di legge n.1066 "norme per lo sviluppo e per l'adozione di tecnologie di intelligenza artificiale".More info
13 February 2024Siamo lieti di annunciare che sono aperte le iscrizioni per il corso di “Valutazione di impatto delle politiche pubbliche” che si terrà online durante il mese di maggio. Il corso è finanziato da MEIEC con fondi MUSA e fruibile gratuitamente fino ad esaurimento posti.More info