Selected Publications


Montano, L., et al.,(2024) “Impact evaluation with process tracing: explaining causal processes in an EU-interreg sustainable tourism intervention.” Journal of Sustainable Tourism: 1-23.

Montano, L., Font, X., Elsenbroich, C., & Ribeiro, M. A. (2024). “Harnessing the power of stories: Evaluating complex tourism interventions through a ‘most significant change approach.”, Annals of tourism research empirical insights, 5(2), 100150.



Bonan, J., Burlacu, S., Galliera, A., (2023) “Prosociality in variants of the dictator game: Evidence from children in El Salvador”, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics

Cutuli, G., & Tomelleri, A. (2023). “Returns to digital skills use, temporary employment, and trade unions in European labour markets”, European Journal of Industrial Relations

Burlacu, S., Mani, A., Ronzani, P., & Savadori, L., (2023) “The preoccupied parent: How financial concerns affect child investment choices”, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics

Billé, A.G., Tomelleri, A., Ravazzolo, F, (2023) “Forecasting regional GDPs: a comparison with spatial dynamic panel data models”, Spatial Economic Analysis

Heiss, F., Ornaghi, C.,  Tonin, M. (2023) “Inattention Matters: An Analysis of Consumers’ Inaction in Choosing a Water Tariff”, Journal of the European Economic Association

Podestà, F. (2023). “Combining Process Tracing and Synthetic Control Method: Bridging Two Ways of Making Causal Inference in Evaluation Research”, Evaluation

Font, X., Montano, L., Wu, J., Coghlan, A., Woosnam, K., & Li, S. (2023).  “The purpose of a sustainable tourism journal“, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 31(1), 1-13.

Montano, L., et al. (2023) “Co-learning through participatory evaluation: an example using Theory of Change in a large-scale EU-funded tourism intervention“, Journal of sustainable tourism: 1-20.


Batut, C., Garnero, A., and Tondini, A. (2022) “The Employment Effects of Working Time Reductions: Sector-Level Evidence from European reforms.”, Industrial Relations: A Journal of Economy and Society

Bernhofer, J., and Tonin, M. (2022) “The effect of the language of instruction on academic performance”, Labour Economics

Ferrari, D., Stillman, S. and Tonin, M. (2022) “Assessing the impact of COVID-19 mass testing in South Tyrol using a semi-parametric growth model.”, Scientific Reports

Tondini, A. (2022) “The Lasting Labor-Market Effects of Cash Transfers: Evidence from South Africa’s Child Support Grant”, The World Bank Economic Review

Cantó, O., Figari, F., Fiorio, C.V., Kuypers, S., Marchal, S., Romaguera-de-la-Cruz, M., Tasseva, I.V. and Verbist, G. (2022), “Welfare Resilience at the Onset of the COVID-19 Pandemic in a Selection of European Countries: Impact on Public Finance and Household Incomes.”, Review of Income and Wealth

Azzolini, D., Marzadro, S., Rettore, E., K. Engelhardt, B. Hertz and P. Wastiau (2022) “Raising Teacher Retention in Online Courses through Personalized Support. Evidence from a Cross-National Randomized Controlled Trial”, Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness

Abbiati, G., Argentin, G. , Azzolini, D., Ballarino, G. and Vergolini, L. (2022) “Experimental Research in Education: An Appraisal of the Italian Experience“, Swiss Journal of Sociology 

Burlacu, S., Kažemekaitytė, A., Ronzani, P., and Savadori, L. (2022). “Blinded by worries: sin taxes and demand for temptation under financial worries.“, Theory and Decision


Dutronc, P., Tondini, A. (2021) “Large Means-Tested Pensions with Informal Labor Markets: Evidence from South Africa“, Economic Development and Cultural Change

Tomelleri, A. (2021) “Temporary jobs and increasing inequality for recent cohorts in Italy“, LABOUR

Kuitto, K., Madia, J. E., and Podestà, F. (2021). Public Pension Generosity and Old-Age Poverty in OECD countries. Journal of Social Policy, 1-20.


Fort, M., Ichino, A., & Zanella, G. (2020). Cognitive and noncognitive costs of day care at age 0–2 for children in advantaged families. Journal of Political Economy, 128(1), 158-205

Martini, A., Azzolini, D., Romano, B., & Vergolini, L. (2020). Increasing College Going by Incentivizing Savings: Evidence from a Randomized Controlled Trial in Italy. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management.


Battistin, E., & Schizzerotto, A. (2019). Threat of grade retention, remedial education and student achievement: evidence from upper secondary schools in Italy. Empirical Economics, 56(2), 651-678.

Marzadro, S., Schizzerotto, A., & Vergolini, L. (2019). Classi sociali o gruppi multidimensionali? Come rappresentare le disuguaglianze sociali nell’Italia di oggi. Stato e mercato39(1), 7-40.

Bonini, N., Pighin, S., Rettore, E., Savadori, L., Schena, F., Tonini, S., & Tosi, P. (2019). Overconfident people are more exposed to “black swan” events: a case study of avalanche risk. Empirical economics, 57(4), 1443-1467.


Ballatore, R. M., Fort, M., & Ichino, A. (2018). Tower of Babel in the classroom: immigrants and natives in Italian schools. Journal of Labor Economics, 36(4), 885-921.

Abbiati, G., Argentin, G., Barone, C., & Schizzerotto, A. (2018). Information barriers and social stratification in higher education: evidence from a field experiment. The British journal of sociology, 69(4), 1248-1270.

Bazzoli, M., De Poli, S., Rettore, E., & Schizzerotto, A. (2018). Are vocational training programmes worth their cost? Evidence from a cost-benefit analysis. Politica economica, 34(3), 215-240.

Bukodi, E., Eibl, F., Buchholz, S., Marzadro, S., Minello, A., Wahler, S., … & Schizzerotto, A. (2018). Linking the macro to the micro: a multidimensional approach to educational inequalities in four European countries. European Societies, 20(1), 26-64.

De Poli, S., Vergolini, L., & Zanini, N. (2018). The impact of a study abroad programme on learning abilities and personality traits: evidence from a randomization. Applied Economics Letters, 25(8), 562-566.

Azzolini, D., Martini, A., Romano, B., & Vergolini, L. (2018). Affording college with the help of asset building: First experimental impacts from Italy. Economics Letters, 169, 27-30.


Bonaccorsi, A. (2017). Addressing the disenchantment: universities and regional development in peripheral regions. Journal of Economic Policy Reform, 20(4), 293-320.

Angrist, J. D., Battistin, E., & Vuri, D. (2017). In a small moment: Class size and moral hazard in the Italian Mezzogiorno. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 9(4), 216-49.

Barone, C., Schizzerotto, A., Abbiati, G., & Argentin, G. (2017). Information barriers, social inequality, and plans for higher education: evidence from a field experiment. European Sociological Review, 33(1), 84-96.

Podestà, F. (2017). The economic impact of the Friuli-Venezia Giulia autonomy: a synthetic control analysis of asymmetric Italian federalism. The Annals of Regional Science, 58(1), 21-37.

Podestà, F., & Marzadro, S. (2017). Operationalizing de-commodification and de-familization outcomes via the relative poverty approach: An application to western European Countries. Social Indicators Research, 131(2), 701-726.


Azzolini, D., Bazzoli, M., De Poli, S., Fiorio, C., & Poy, S. (2016). Developing and Validating Regional Microsimulation Models. TREMOD: the Tax-Benefit Model of the Italian Province of Trento. Economia Pubblica, 1, 5-33

Fort, M., Schneeweis, N., & Winter‐Ebmer, R. (2016). Is education always reducing fertility? Evidence from compulsory schooling reforms. The Economic Journal, 126(595), 1823-1855.

Bonander, C., Jakobsson, N., Podestà, F., & Svensson, M. (2016). Universities as engines for regional growth? Using the synthetic control method to analyze the effects of research universities. Regional Science and Urban Economics, 60, 198-207.

Daraio, C., Lenzerini, M., Leporelli, C., Moed, H. F., Naggar, P., Bonaccorsi, A., & Bartolucci, A. (2016). Data integration for research and innovation policy: An ontology-based data management approach. Scientometrics, 106(2), 857-871.


Cattaneo, C., Fiorio, C. V., & Peri, G. (2015). What happens to the careers of European workers when immigrants “take their jobs”?. Journal of Human Resources, 50(3), 655-693.

Daraio, C., Bonaccorsi, A., & Simar, L. (2015). Rankings and university performance: A conditional multidimensional approach. European Journal of Operational Research, 244(3), 918-930.

Vergolini, L., & Zanini, N. (2015). Away, but not too far from home. The effects of financial aid on university enrolment decisions. Economics of Education Review, 49, 91-109.


Checchi, D., Fiorio, C. V., & Leonardi, M. (2014). Parents’ risk aversion and children’s educational attainment. Labour Economics, 30, 164-175.


Garibaldi, P., Giavazzi, F., Ichino, A., & Rettore, E. (2012). College cost and time to complete a degree: Evidence from tuition discontinuities. Review of Economics and Statistics94(3), 699-711.

Azzolini, D., Schnell, P., & Palmer, J. R. (2012). Educational achievement gaps between immigrant and native students in two “new” immigration countries: Italy and Spain in comparison. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 643(1), 46-77.


Cowell, F. A., & Fiorio, C.  (2011). Inequality decompositions—a reconciliation. The Journal of Economic Inequality, 9(4), 509-528.

Barone, C., & Schizzerotto, A. (2011). Introduction: Career mobility, education, and intergenerational reproduction in five European societies. European Societies, 13(3), 331-345.


Brunello, G., Fort, M., & Weber, G. (2009). Changes in compulsory schooling, education and the distribution of wages in Europe. The Economic Journal, 119(536), 516-539.

Battistin, E., Brugiavini, A., Rettore, E., & Weber, G. (2009). The retirement consumption puzzle: evidence from a regression discontinuity approach. American Economic Review, 99(5), 2209-26.


Battistin, E., & Rettore, E. (2008). Ineligibles and eligible non-participants as a double comparison group in regression-discontinuity designs. Journal of Econometrics, 142(2), 715-730.


Battistin, E., Rettore, E., & Trivellato, U. (2007). Choosing between alternative classification criteria to measure the labour force state. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (Statistics in Society), 170(1), 5-27.


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