Continuous professional development, professional capabilities and innovative teaching practices among European teachers. A second level analysis of TALIS 2018 data set
The project is a second-level analysis of the Talis 2018 dataset, investigating several key aspects in the career of EU teachers in lower secondary schools (i.e. at level 2 of ISCED classification of EU school systems): (i) participation in continuous professional development activities and (ii) induction activities, (iii) mentoring experiences, (iv) professional self-efficacy and (v) the use of innovative teaching practices. Throughout the entire analysis, a special emphasis was placed on activities and capabilities related to the use of ICT in teaching.
In particular, for each topic, we investigate (i) which teacher and school characteristics are associated with the main outcome variables considered, (ii) cross-country differences at EU level and (iii) variations overtime at country level integrating also the TALIS 2013 survey wave. In addition, we link, at country level, PISA 2018 and TALIS 2018 to investigate if there is a correlation between the five topics listed above and student performance in standardized tests.
The project is funded through a cooperation contract with European Schoolnet (EUN).