Antonio Schizzerotto
- Senior Research Associate
Antonio Schizzerotto is currently Professor Emeritus of Sociology of the Department of Sociology and Social Research of the University of Trento. He used to be a member of the governing committee and the scientific committee of the network of excellence EQUALSOC (VI EU Framework Programme); head of the Italian team of the EU research programme E-SeC (TSER, VI EU Framework Programme); national coordinator of the European Social Survey; associate member of the network of excellence CHANGEQUAL (EU Fifth Framework Programme); coordinator of the research project on Youth conditions and youth policies in the EU (EU DG Education); head of the Italian team of the research project DYNSOC (EU Fifth Framework Programme); Scientific Director of the Research Institute for the Evaluation of Public Policies of the Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK-IRVAPP). Currently, he is carrying out impact evaluations of education, labour market and anti-poverty policies. Previously he extensively published on social stratification, intergenerational and career mobility, educational inequalities, transition from school to work, gender and generation disparities in labour market participation and life courses. All the above themes have been studied both in a national and in a comparative perspective through participation in several international research projects.
Related Projects
- Dare Valore (The multidimensional network for inclusion)
- Technological innovation, Digital competences and Labour markets dynamics (SKILLS)
- Continuous professional development, professional capabilities and innovative teaching practices among European teachers. A second level analysis of TALIS 2018 data set
- Study assessing the implementation of the pilot action on the EU Disability Card and associated benefits
- Impact evaluation of the study abroad program Mos-4
- ICT@School - ICT in education Indicators Working Group