Impact evaluation of some active labour market policies in the Province of Trento
The autonomous Province of Trento appointed IRVAPP to investigate the impact of the training courses offered by Agenzia del Lavoro of the Province of Trento (hereafter AdL) to unemployed and inactive population. The aim of the project is to understand whether, as a result of these courses, the participants have higher chances to find a job than non-participants. To evaluate the effects of the training courses researchers use a controfactual approach implementing the comparison between a group of beneficiaries and an appropriate control group formed by individuals who did not participate to the training courses, but are comparable to them. IRVAPP, in agreement with the staff of AdL, focuses on courses lasting 200 to 640 hours, which aim at developing new skills or reinforcing basic skills. The evaluation project is carried on in two phases: in the first evaluation phase, which regards the training courses already completed, IRVAPP implemented a strategy such as “matching” whose main feature is the ability to estimate the causal effect of the treatment under investigation using the comparison with a close match group of “subjects”. In this setting the controls were found in the group of people who are quite similar to the beneficiaries (in terms of previous career) but did not attend the course. The project has been carried out upon the agreement <Ammortizzatori> signed with the statistical office of the Province of Trento (ISPAT) within the Memorandum of understanding for the Realization of Statistical Analyses. The results show, at one year from the start of the course, a positive effect (+ 6.2%) on the probability of finding a new job. This effect is more pronounced in the case of foreign men. But, above all, Italian women get the greatest benefits from participation in training initiatives. In phase two, IRVAPP is going to evaluate the effect of training courses realized in 2013 and 2014. Since 2013 there is a selection to participate in the training course and applicants have been classified on the score obtained in the test. The Regression Discontinuity Design (RDD) will be used to evaluate the effects of the courses, comparing participants and not participants near the cut-off point needed for the admission to the course.