DATA2LEARN@EDU - Data-Driven Learning Organizations in the Education Domain

Despite some promising results in higher education, in other educational contexts learning analytics did not achieve the same level of adoption. Primary and secondary schools extensively show this weakness, which is indeed a limitation since the wide adoption of educational technology in these levels of education has created environments where generated data could deliver rich information. While higher education institutions are responsive to adopting learning analytics tools and processes within all dimensions of educational governance, high schools are often skeptical about impacts and return of learning analytic tools, and often resist their implementation in daily practice administration. Since the increased capacity of educational data mining has boosted educational technology tools development, there is a need to investigate how learning analytics tools can shape activities beyond the classroom and further influence curriculum outlines and pedagogy.

The project

DATA2LEARN@EDU aims to address the issues listed above. The project includes two pilot projects, Pilot_PoliMi, carried out by Politecnico di Milano and Pilot_INVALSI, under the responsibility of INVALSI, the National Institute for the Evaluation of the Education and Training System, with the Leading_PoliTo project acting as a coordination agent driven by Politecnico di Torino.

The general objective of the project are the following:

  1. Leverage learning analytics to address main challenges such as school dropout, difficulty of collaboration among students, development of argumentation and writing, and enhancement of computational thinking, which is an emerging ability for any age group.
  2. Provide learning analytics tools to teachers and decision-makers to identify learners in vulnerable or excellent situations, thus helping governors develop adequate actions that meet students’ needs and expectations, possibly adapting the learning processes and their organization.
  3. Assess the impact on education, a, multi-dimensional and scalable domain, moving from the learner to teachers and principals, ending with wider governing bodies.

FBK-IRVAPP will perform the monitoring and evaluation of the AI-LEAP project.


The project is financed by Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo through the second edition of the call for funding “Intelligenza Artificiale”.


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