Alessio Tomelleri

  • Research Fellow
  • +39 0461 312284

Alessio Tomelleri is a research fellow at the Research Institute for the Evaluation of Public Policies of the Bruno Kessler Foundation. He obtained a doctoral degree in Economics and Management from the Free University of Bozen/Bolzano in January 2021 with a thesis on inequality, labour market institutions and economic growth. The scholarship was financed by the Institute for Economic Research (IER) – Chamber of Commerce of Bolzano/Bozen. He is also a member of the productivity board of the autonomous province of Trento, together with colleagues from the region’s most relevant research organizations, namely OECD, Bank of Italy and the University of Trento.

Alessio is an applied economist with research interests ranging from income inequality and labour market institutions to firm productivity and economic growth. His current research addresses the issue of public support to firms, examining its effectiveness with respect to different types of outcomes: from improving productivity to increasing investment in innovation, human capital and environmental sustainability. Another important factor is the study of the distribution mechanisms and the targeting of the incentive to specific groups, preventing incentives from going to unprofitable firms or firms with little growth potential.

  • Labour Economics
  • Inequality
  • Regional Economics
  • Policy Evaluation.
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