School-To-Work Transitions: reforming the vocational education and training system and innovating the upper secondary education system in Trentino
The project aims at studying and assessing the introduction of innovative measures in the education and training system with the objective of improving youths’ transitions from school to work in Trentino. Specifically, the project explores the German “dual system” and the introduction of internships and apprenticeships. Empirically, the project analyses school careers and employment outcomes of young people using administrative records (i.e, Anagrafe Unica degli Studenti della Provincia Autonoma di Trento and Comunicazioni Obbligatorie) and survey data (i.e., Indagine annuale sui qualificati e i diplomati della Formazione Professionale dell’Agenzia del Lavoro della Provincia di Trento and Indagine sui diplomati trentini). In addition, as part of the collaboration with the Dipartimento della Conoscenza della Provincia Autonoma di Trento, FBK-IRVAPP provides support for the assessment of public interventions in the field of school, training and school-to-work transitions. The project has been commissioned by the Dipartimento della Conoscenza della Provincia Autonoma di Trento in 2014. This project has been carried out in collaboration with the Provincial statistical office (ISPAT)on the basis of the agreement <Giovani>, within the Memorandum of understanding for the realization of statistical analyses.