Federico Podestà

  • Research Fellow
  • +39 0461 312291

Federico Podestà is a research fellow at the Research Institute for the Evaluation of Public Policies (IRVAPP). He completed his Ph.D. in Economic Sociology at the University of Brescia. He has been visiting student at the McDonough School of Business (Georgetown University), the European Centre for Analysis in the Social Sciences (University of Essex), and at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies of Cologne. Before coming to IRVAPP, Federico worked as a researcher at the Social and Economic Permanent Observatory (OPES).

He published several works in the field of comparative political economy, ranging from welfare state evolution to partisanship, from living conditions to quantitative methods.


  • comparative political economy and quantitative methods
Curriculum Vitae

Related Projects


Podestà, F. (2023). “Combining Process Tracing and Synthetic Control Method: Bridging Two Ways of Making Causal Inference in Evaluation Research”, Evaluation

Kuitto, K., Madia, J. E., and Podestà, F. (2021). Public Pension Generosity and Old-Age Poverty in OECD countries. Journal of Social Policy, 1-20.

Podestà, F. (2017). The economic impact of the Friuli-Venezia Giulia autonomy: a synthetic control analysis of asymmetric Italian federalism. The Annals of Regional Science, 58(1), 21-37.

Podestà, F., & Marzadro, S. (2017). Operationalizing de-commodification and de-familization outcomes via the relative poverty approach: An application to western European Countries. Social Indicators Research, 131(2), 701-726.

2017 ‘The Impact of the ‘free choice’: Family reforms of France and Belgium, a synthetic control analysis’, in International Journal of Social Welfare. 26 (4), 340-352.

2017 ‘The economic impact of the Friuli-Venezia Giulia autonomy: a synthetic control analysis of asymmetric Italian federalism’, in The Annals of Regional Science. 58 (1), 21-37.

2017 ‘Operationalizing De-commodification and De-familization Outcomes via the Relative Poverty Approach: An Application to Western European Countries’ (with S. Marzadro), in Social Indicators Research. 131 (2), 701-726.

2016 ‘Universities as engines for regional growth? Using the synthetic control method to analyze the effects of research universities’ (with C. Bonander, N. Jakobsson, e M. Svensson), in Regional Science and Urban Economics. 60, 198–207.

2014 ‘Partisanship, State Intervention and Economic Well-Being in 13 Developed Countries, 1980-2000’. Comparative European Politics. 12, 76–100.

2012 ‘Potere politico, intervento statale e economic well-being nell’area OCSE’, in Stato e Mercato 1/2012. 135-160.

2011 “Tecniche di analisi per la ricerca comparata trans-nazionale”, Franco Angeli (collana di Metodologia delle scienze umane).

2008 ‘Two Countries in One. The Working Poor in Italy’, (with F. Biolcati-Rinaldi) in “Working Poor in Europe”, edited by H.J. Andreß and H: Lohmann, Edward Elgar.

2006 ‘Comparing Time Series Cross-Section Model Specification. The Case of Welfare State Development’, in Quality and Quantity. 40 (4), 539-559.

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