*Rescheduled for September 14-19, 2020* - IRVAPP WINTER SCHOOL 2020 - Fundamentals and methods for impact evaluation of public policies

We are delighted to announce that with great efforts the School, postponed due to the Covid-19 emergency, has been rescheduled for September 14-19, 2020.
The course is designed to be of particular benefit to PhD students and researchers in all Social Sciences needing to undertake policy evaluation analysis using microdata. The School will present 1) the fundamental principles of impact evaluation with a specific focus on the counterfactual theory of causal inference and 2) a variety of statistical tools for counterfactual analysis (including Matching methods, Instrumental Variables, Regression Discontinuity Designs, Difference-in-Differences, and Synthetic Control Methods).
Extensive laboratory sessions will provide the opportunity to apply the various techniques to specific education and anti-poverty policies.
The 12th edition of this school will run over six consecutive days of theoretical and practical sessions, from September 14 to September 19, 2020. Training will require previous knowledge of basic principles for quantitative methods that correspond to those taught in introductory
courses of statistics and econometrics at the undergraduate level. At least, working knowledge of regression and multivariate analysis is expected. Although the exercises will be guided, basic familiarity with Stata is recommended.
How to apply
To apply, candidates are requested to register by sending an email to [email protected] by August 13, 2020. In order for the application to be considered valid, payments by bank transfer must be received shortly after the registration. More details will be provided upon registration.
Palazzo Franchetti, San Marco, 2847, Venice (Italy)
The prestigious palace is situated close to the Grand Canal and to the Ponte dell’Accademia.
How to reach us:
here you can find more information on how to reach Palazzo Franchetti from the train station.
Please note that the fee does not include the accommodation. Find a list of recommended hotels within walking distance from the school’s location attached at the bottom of this page.
Tuition fees
The tuition fee is 1200 €. A reduced rate of 600 € is reserved for students.
The fee includes coffee breaks and lunches, while it does not include accommodation nor dinner.
We are not in a position to offer any scholarship.
Important information
There are limited places available. We can only accept 24 participants. We recommend registering as soon as possible to reserve your place.
In the unlikely event that less than 10 participants register, the School will be cancelled and registered participants will be reimbursed. The final decision will be shared as soon as possible and no later than the 14th of August, 2020.
For applicants arriving from outside Italy – in the eventuality of travel restrictions from/to Italy or if your institutions do not permit travelling abroad during the period of the School, a full refund will be issued if the request is justified. Of course, the same conditions apply for applicants from Italy if a new regional lockdown is imposed.
BocconiBocconi University