Study supporting the Impact assessment of an EU initiative introducing the European Disability Card

The study is being carried out by Ernst & Young (EY), Valdani, Vicari & Associati (VVA), Open Evidence and FBK-IRVAPP on behalf of the European Commission, Directorate-General for Employment, Social
Affairs and Inclusion (DG EMPL).

The purpose of the study is to analyse and assess the potential impacts of different policy options concerning the scope and content of the initiative on the European Disability Card, building on the results of the “Study assessing the implementation of the pilot action on the EU Disability Card and associated benefits“. In addition, the study covers the current situation of the EU Parking Card in all 27 Member States, aiming to identify potential shortcomings and challenges.

The project is financed through the call for tender, VT/2022/037 under the multiple framework contracts EMPL/2020/OP/0016.


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