Impact evaluation of training courses: IT Voucher
This project aims at assessing the impact of adult education programme implemented by Province of Trento with the funding of the European Social Fund (hereafter FSE). Specifically, the programme assessed was designed to enhance computer skills, with particular regard to the use of Office Automation (hereafter OA), in order to improve the levels of employability or, when employed, the working conditions of individuals belonging to disadvantaged social groups.
The analysis of the data was based on a survey that collected the information from both participants and observationally equivalent non participants (control group), the latter being composed of individuals who applied to attend the programme but were eventually not admitted. The results showed that having taken part in OA courses offered by the Province of Trento produced a significant growth of computer skills possessed by the participants. The analysis also showed that the documented impact on average computer skills is not associated to a reduction of the pre-existing gender gap with respect to these skills. Finally, the analysis revealed no evidence that the impact of the programme on computer skills eventually resulted in an improvement in the employment status of the beneficiaries, both in terms of their occupational status and of their wages.