19 April 2023We are very happy to welcome Smaranda Pantea, who will be visiting FBK-IRVAPP for two months as part of our Visiting Research Fellowship programMore info
27 February 2023The report on the experimental evaluation of Arcipelago Educativo has been publishedMore info
07 February 2023Francesco Filippucci, the winner of our first edition of the Best Paper in public policy evaluation, will present his award-winning paper.More info
12 January 2023New publication in the FBK-IRVAPP Working Paper Series presents experimental evidence on the impact of an online self-assessment tool on teachers' competencies and beliefs about ICT in educationMore info
22 December 2022New JRC publication by Nicola Bazoli & Federico Podesta': Measuring the adequacy of socialprotection by looking at those above the poverty lineMore info