Master in Analisi e Valutazione delle Politiche Pubbliche
In the last few decades, a demand for assessment of public policies at various levels has also become widespread in Italy. In particular, numerous regulations have introduced the culture of an institutionalised assessment following the experience of the Anglo-Saxon world and have set out evaluation practices in many areas of public action, from public investments to the university system, to local health authorities, to the Regions, etc. In the face of new requirements for the institutionalised analyses and evaluation of public policies, multi-disciplinary knowledge and tools, and specialised techniques are necessary. This 2nd level Master’s course is proposed in collaboration with the Senate of the Republic and aims to train professionals whose skills and knowledge can become a reference standard for the analysis and evaluation of public policies. The training programme provides for a high investment in the learning of statistical and econometric methodologies for the ex-post and ex-ante evaluation of public policies, with a strong focus on counterfactual analysis methods.
The aim of the master is to train public officials to assist the legislators in the design and evaluation of public policies. The participation of the course is open also to PhD students, master graduates or professionals interested in developing specific competences in the field.
The video of the inauguration of the course can be found here.
18/04/2016 to 01/03/2017
The Master programme is structured in 6 didactic modules covering these topics:
1) Quantitative methods for the analysis of public policies
2) Counterfactual analysis of the effect of the policies and implementation analysis
3) Theory and methods for ex-ante evaluation and policy design
4) Public administrations and evaluation processes in public institutions
5) Instruments and tecniques to promote public debate
6) Public policy evaluation in various intervention areas
Course lectures will be held in Rome at the Senate in the period April-November 2016. Classes will be held one week every month from monday to friday. Temporary schedule of lectures: 18-22 April, 9-13 May, 6-10 June, 4-8 July, 22-26 August, 5-9 September, 3-7 October, 10-14 October. The period November 2016 – March 2017 will be dedicated to a stage/project work. Classes will be mainly held in italian.
On procedures for submission of the admission application and registration, admission requirements, and scholarships, please visit the web page of the Master
Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia
Senato della Repubblica
Conferenza dei Presidenti delle Assemblee legislative delle Regioni e Province Autonome
FBK-IRVAPP (Istituto per la Ricerca Valutativa sulle Politiche Pubbliche)
Associazione per lo Sviluppo della Valutazione e l’Analisi delle Politiche Pubbliche
Course lectures will be held in Rome at the Senate. Some seminars and workshops will take place in Venice.
Tuition fees:
Tuition fees are of € 9.000 (in two instalments)
Detailed procedures for registration can be retrieved here Registration deadline: March, 15th, 2016.
Ca’ Foscari Challenge School – tel. 041 234 6853 (from 9.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.) e-mail: