Monitoring and evaluation of the “Promoting social cohesion in territorial communities” project by Cariplo Foundation
The research project analyzes the results of the call “Promoting social cohesion in local communities”, sponsored by Fondazione Cariplo in Milan in 2008. Thirteen social projects implemented from 2010 and concluded in 2012 were financed for about 10 million euros. The objectives of the research project are manifold. The first of them concerns the analysis of the selection process, which took place in several stages, which led to the identification of eligible projects for funding. A second objective concerns the thirteen “case studies” (stakeholders, objectives, organizational processes, actions implemented) for each project financed. The third phase of the research aims at synthesizing the activities implemented by the networks with the aim of stressing and discussing the “best practices” emerged during the implementation. Another outcome of the project is related to a proposal of a method for the construction of two indicators, one for social cohesion and one for social innovation, able to detect the results of the social projects with respect to the two variables considered. Finally, the last phase discusses some of the features of the call, in order to draw some useful conclusions both for the financing authority and the stakeholders engaged in the financing of activities for social cohesion in local communities.