The 9/11 conservative shift

This study analyzes the causal impact of the 9/11 terror attacks on individual political orientation and political support intensity using the German Socio-Economic Panel 1999-2003. Exploiting survey interview timing in 2001 for identification and controlling for unobserved individual heterogeneity, I find 9/11 to have increased overall political mobilization. While there is no indication of a considerable switch in support between political blocks, the attacks significantly weakened support intensity among left-wing voters and increased the strength of political support among right-wing voters, indicating a shift in conservative direction.


  • Simone Schüller


Numero pubblicazione: Working Paper 2015-07
Data: 8/2015
Classificazione JEL: C23, D72, H56
  • Orientamento politico,
  • Sostegno ai partiti,
  • Terrorismo,
  • Inferenza causale
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