Daniele Checchi: Hours Inequality (online)
FBK-IRVAPP is pleased to invite you to the following seminar: Hours Inequality .
With the participation of Daniele Checchi, University of Milan. Joint work with Cecilia Garcia Penalosa e Lara Vivian.
The seminar is held in English.
The vast literature on earnings inequality has so far largely ignored the role played by hours of work. This paper argues that in order to understand earnings dispersion we need to consider not only the dispersion of hourly wages but also inequality in hours worked as well as the correlation between the two. We use data for the US, the UK, France, and Germany over the period 1991-2016 to examine the evolution of inequality in hours worked and of the correlation between individual hours and wages, assessing their contribution to recent trends in earnings inequality. We find that, other than in the US, hours inequality is an important force, and that it has increased over the period under analysis. The elasticity of hours with respect to wages has also played a key role, notably in the two continental economies. This elasticity used to be negative, thus tending to reduce inequality as those with lower hourly wages worked longer hours, but has increased over the past decades, becoming nil or positive, and hence eroding an important equalizing force. The paper examines which are the potential factors behind the change in the elasticity, notably the role of trade and labour market institutions.
Guest Speakers
Università di MilanoDaniele Checchi is professor of economics at the University of Milan. He holds a MSc in economics from the LSE and a PhD in economics from the University of Siena. He has been studying intergenerational mobility and income inequality. He has also served in the Board of Directors of the National Agency for the Evualation of Universities, as well as as Director of the Research Department of INPS.
La registrazione a questo evento è richiesta.
Registration closed on 10/03/2023.